Friday, February 6, 2009

No Sleep

It has come to that time in the year, where I must live at home alone for a whole weekend.

For most teenagers this should be a cause for great excitement, followed by someone screaming "Party at *insert frat boys name*'s house!"

However, with my parents away I have only discovered that I will never ever be able to live alone. Mainly because I always think that the security is my house is somehow at its lowest when I am the only one there. Which could possibly be true since my parents are fairly fit and could do some serious damage.

Last night was the first night of the two nights that I will have to withstand. I went to bed at around 1 ish. I got comfortable in my bed, reminded myself that I had locked everything and lay in bed for a while, but the dog kept moving and then I felt nervous that she could hear something with her super sonic ears, so then I got scared and then I did the only think I know how to do. Eat.

It was about half way through my 4th giant rice cracker that I decided to put an end to this madness and as I walked to my bed I recalled another night when I was really tired and randomly found a huntsman on the wall of a room in my house and being scared into going to bed. Ironically as I thought these thoughts there the spider was, on my cupboard.

It wasn't huge, but if you know me, you know there is no WAY that I would sleep in a room with a spider of that caliber. Jacki, this story is really for you because;

1 you are the only person who reads some of this boring crap


2 You understand the emotional strength for me to do what I am about to type next.

So, I freaked out and ran to the kitchen and grabbed some Tupperware. I knew no one was home so really there was nothing I could do except for this.

I trapped the spider in the box (where it like went psycho) and then gently slid the lid on. I ran to the back door, unlocked it and then placed it outside. Just when I thought all was well, on the door I had just opened was another huntsman, twice as big.

I cried and ran back to my room, and attempted to sleep.

Sigh. Spiders.

1 comment:

Jacki Trew... said...

darling! that sounds absolutely frightful!
dude i am so proud of you for thwarting that first spider, even if the second one got the better of you.
im impressed (we both know what I would have done: dial 000)